Dental problems can undermine both oral and overall health, often impacting your quality of life when significant damage, disease or tooth loss are involved. Our dentist in Arlington Heights, IL emphasizes the importance of routine dental care for minimizing the incidence and risk of dental concerns and offers comprehensive care for those that arise to restore your smile. We strive to help patients understand their unique risk factors and the impact of certain lifestyle habits or medical conditions so that they can care for their smile effectively between visits.
Dental concerns should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid further damage and the need for complex or invasive dentistry to resolve them and restore your smile. We screen for common concerns during routine dental care including decay and gum disease. Digital x-rays also provide a window into the overall health and stability of your smile, helping us make a more accurate diagnosis and provide more predictable care.
Do you have crooked teeth?
Straightening your teeth will both improve the aesthetics of your smile and support long-term oral health. Dr. Engelberg offers Invisalign clear aligners for teens and adults with mild to moderate orthodontic needs. He also provides smile makeovers to straighten the appearance of your teeth using cosmetic dental treatments.
Are you looking for missing teeth replacement options?
Replacing lost teeth will give you back function and aesthetics so that you can feel confident smiling again. Visit us for dental bridges to all types of dental implants and implant dentures. Dr. Engelberg can help you achieve your goals with a personalized treatment plan.
Do you have discolored or yellow teeth?
Teeth that are stained, yellowing or are darkening with age can be whitened in a variety of ways to take years off of your overall appearance. After meeting with you to thoroughly evaluate your needs, Dr. Engelberg will recommend the most suitable options which can range from professional teeth whitening to porcelain veneers.
Is constant snoring keeping you up at night?
If you snore or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or sleep-disordered breathing, Dr. Engelberg can provide convenient sleep apnea treatment with a custom oral appliance. Oral appliance therapy is often a more comfortable alternative to the CPAP for anyone with mild to moderate sleep apnea or who snores.
Do you suffer from daily sore jaws and frequent headaches?
Common signs of an underlying bite or TMJ related disorder, frequent headaches, jaw pain and discomfort in the neck region can be treated by Dr. Engelberg. We also offer Botox® Therapeutic for treating headaches that are the result of muscle tension in the jaw joints.