A dental bridge replaces one or several consecutive missing teeth. It’s “bridging” the gap left behind when a tooth is lost. Dr. Brent Engelberg offers patients high-quality, custom-fit dental bridges for tooth replacement. They can be designed, fabricated, and placed in their Arlington Heights dentist office.
Replacing missing teeth is important for many reasons, including the prevention of more complex dental problems related to tooth loss:
- Periodontal disease
- Shifting of remaining teeth
- Bite problems
- Speech and dietary concerns
A dental bridge can be removable or fixed, anchored on either side by an existing tooth or dental implant. In many cases, Dr. Engelberg will recommend capping an existing tooth with a dental crown for added strength and stability. A dental bridge can provide many years of comfortable, functional smiles.
What to Expect
During a consultation, Dr. Engelberg will discuss your concerns, oral health, and cosmetic goals before recommending the most suitable option. To restore your smile with a dental bridge or learn more about restorative dental treatments, contact our office at (847) 230-9703 or use our online contact form. AH Smiles serves Long Grove, Deerfield, Northbrook, Buffalo Grove, and Arlington Heights, IL.
Dental Bridge Vs. Dental Implants: What to Consider
Introducing dental implants has vastly changed the landscape of restorative dentistry and tooth replacement for doctors and patients. Dental implants can be more costly upfront but provide several key benefits for dental health that will outweigh the cost over time:
- Bone retention: the tiny titanium post implanted in the jaw functions like a tooth root, stimulating natural bone cell growth to reduce jaw shrinkage, which can affect the bite and cause teeth to shift.
- Normal speech and diet: a dental implant functions like a natural tooth and allows normal speech patterns and a healthy diet with no restrictions.
- Stable, secure restoration: a dental implant is permanent and completely stable- no slipping or falling out.
- No daily maintenance: there is no need for daily or routine maintenance with a dental implant.
Another consideration for many patients is the length of the dental implant procedure. We complete the initial surgical phase several months before attaching the final restoration. During the surgery, we place the implant post into the jawbone. This is necessary for the post to integrate with the jaw bone. It ensures the tissues heal before permanently attaching the dental crown to act as a new tooth.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many teeth can be in a bridge?
The number of teeth in a dental bridge varies. Traditional bridges are the most common type, and the number of teeth is decided by the bridge surrounded on either side by natural teeth. Traditional bridges can vary from 1 to 4 depending on the gap.
Are dental bridges removable?
Dental bridges can be fixed or removable. If you want to remove your bridge, a removable bridge is a better option.
Do dental bridges feel natural?
A modern dental bridge should feel almost identical to your natural teeth. Many patients say that their bridge feels better than their natural teeth. Typically, they feel best when the bridge fixes damaged teeth or gaps between teeth.
What can you eat with a dental bridge?
With a dental bridge, you should be able to eat normally. However, some foods are at a higher risk. Sticky foods like gum and candy put you at higher risk of experiencing problems with your bridges. Foods high in sugar, coffee, soda, and wine will likely cause problems.
Are dental bridges painful?
You will not feel pain when you receive your dental bridge. We will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic. Once you receive your bridge, you may feel discomfort as you adjust to your new restoration. However, this discomfort will fade after multiple days. Using tooth sensitivity toothpaste, taking pain medications, and eating a soft diet directly after you receive your bridge can help minimize your pain.
How long do dental bridges last?
Dental bridges can last 10 to 15 years. Properly caring for your bridge ensures its longevity. Brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist regularly can prevent infections and damage to your restoration.